Now Accepting Applications

The School year runs August through May with summer camps held in June, July, and August.​ Holidays and Missed Classes: Spanish Learning Castle follows Katy ISD's Calendar for major breaks and holidays. Please note: If Katy ISD is closed due to bad weather, our schools will also be closed.
A school calendar will be provided in August.​​ Full tuition is due every month, we do not do make-up classes or pro-rate tuition for the holidays or missed classes.
Each year in January we hold Open Registration online for the upcoming school year. Open Registration begins at 10 am and spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If a class is full, you will have the option to put your child on a waitlist. We will notify you if a spot becomes available for your child. Enrollment throughout the school year may also be possible if space is available - please contact the school if interested.
Currently-enrolled families have the opportunity to register in advance during an Early Registration period in January.​
For more information, please call
Old Katy Campus
(832) 437-6479
Mason Campus
(832) 321-4525
Below links only for new enrollments.
Tuition Assistance
Spanish Learning Castle is enrolled in Workforce Solutions and is Texas Rising Star approved.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the program only for families with Spanish speaking parents?Our Is program is designed for Spanish speaking and non-Spanish speaking students. Our immersive program is adaptable for all levels. We have a large number of students that graduate bilinguals and neither of the parents speak Spanish. We start the school year speaking both English and Spanish for approximately two weeks, so that the children get to know their teachers, begin to feel comfortable, and learn the classroom rules and expectations. After this period, a smooth transition to Spanish-only will be easy and fun for them.
What is the daily schedule like in the classroom?Each classroom schedule will differ slightly, but you will find all the same elements in your child’s day: Morning Activity, Circle Time/Yoga, Language/Math/Science, Music and Movement (for gross motor development), Art, Recess, Lunch/Rest, Fine Motor and Learning Centers. Individual Class Schedules will be posted in your child’s classroom and on the Parent’s Information Board in the school. Our weekly and monthly themes guide our Circle Time, and help students explore the world around them. Cultural concepts and activities are woven into our curriculum and also traditional Latin music and dance play an important role in the learning process.
How long will it take my child to begin speaking Spanish?All children develop and learn at different rates. In general, the pattern is similar to how the child learned his first language. During the first year, the child builds a base of vocabulary, learns the patterns of the language, and understands 80-100% of the spoken language. He may begin using single words and short phrases, and will likely sing the songs he has learned in school. During the second year, children add vocabulary and begin to use the language naturally, responding and participating in class in Spanish. After two to three years of exposure, they typically begin to think in Spanish without translation, communicate their thoughts, and carry on conversations in Spanish with a native accent.
How long will it take my child to begin speaking Spanish?All children develop and learn at their own pace. In general, the pattern is similar to how the child learned their first language. During the first year, the child builds a base of vocabulary, learns the patterns of the language, and understands 80-100% of the spoken language. He may begin using single words and short phrases, and will likely sing along to the songs he or she has learned in school. During the second year, children add vocabulary and begin to use the language naturally, responding and participating in class in Spanish. After two to three years of exposure, they typically begin to think in Spanish without translation, communicate their thoughts, and carry on conversations in Spanish with a native accent.
What do I need to bring to school?Forms – Please be sure to bring all required forms by your child’s first day of school. Click here to download forms. Lunch – Each student will need to bring a lunch each day. We cannot heat or refrigerate food, so please send an ice-pack or thermos for foods that need to be kept cold or hot. Water Bottle – Students will need to bring a spill-proof (sport-top) water bottle or sippy cup each day. Especially in the hot months, we want to make sure all children are well hydrated! Nap Mat – All preschool students have a rest time, so each child will need a nap mat. Please label all items with their name. Extra Clothes – Each child should have a seasonally appropriate change of clothes in their backpack in case of spills or accidents. These do not need to be uniform-compliant. All SLC teachers must meet or exceed the state requirements for child care providers and are required to receive ongoing professional training annually. We also require background checks through local, county, state and/or federal agencies prior to employment.
How will I know how my child is doing?We have a digital program where teachers communicate daily reports and send activity pictures. We also hold October conferences, so that you can sit down with your child’s teacher and hear more details about how they are adjusting to the school year. We offer Progress Reports in December and May.
How do you handle allergies/medicine in the school?Our school is peanut-free (nut-free) and seafood free. If your child has a life-threatening allergy, we ask for detailed, written instructions from their physician. Medications will be kept in the office (must be in the original container with the prescription label), and parents must sign a medication authorization form. Any other medications, prescription or over-the-counter, may be kept at the school, and be dispensed per the medication authorization form. They must be in the original container, with your child’s name on it.
Pictures?School photographer will be take pictures each month for our Year Book collection. Fall and Christmas pictures can be purchased.
Celebrations?We made two performances at year, on December and May for preschool graduation. Sometimes we’ll have a special dress-up day, or a party on these days! Each month’s calendar will have all the details, and you can also watch for weekly email reminders and our monthly newsletter with more info, as well.